Posts Tagged ‘Gachas’

Hey Everyone,


Thank you for continuing to be loyal followers for all the freebie goodness. I have decided to move to a new blog which will still contain Group Gifts and Freebies but also contain steals and deals on clothing and accessories.


You can find this new Blog HERE


hope to see you there!


~ RED 😀

Group Gifts TI_001


Creepy Goth/ Punk/ Fantasy Stuff as Group Gifts only at Tabou Irresistible and HERE is how you get there. There Group is FREE to join and you can do so by clicking HERE.

Til Next Time,

~RedWrathBytes~ All scary like! XD

I don’t know if its the night or not but I am sensing a theme going on with the gothic, bloody, morbid stuff that I am posting! XD *heehee, yay’s*

Just stumbled along this shop tonight and I am so excited I am actually sitting here waiting for my letter to pop up on the Lucky Chairs so I can win something. XD

To get to REDRUM click the link HERE.

There group is FREE to join but not needed to play the Lucky Chairs or Midnight Mania Boards. To join the group click the link HERE. 


Jaw dropping am I right? heehee so come on down and hangout with me lets try to win stuff together!! Or better yet lets lock down the remaining boards that need slaps so we can all get these awesome gifts!

See ya soon.

~RedWrath~ Mother of the Night.

Ladies Ladies Ladies Rush on down to Bitchtails for there 50L Retirement Sale Ending November 3rd. Don’t forget while you are there to play some Lucky Chairs, Slap that Midnight Mania Board, and Scoop up the freebies available!

To get to Bitchtails click the link HERE. 

The Bitchtails VIP Group Costs to join but I have discovered you do not need the group to play the Lucky Chairs or the Midnight Mania Board. 😀 YAY!!

(Freebies are in the small boxes on the floor, there is also a prize bomb you can pay to play, and for you Gacha Addicts there are some of those too!)


(LUCKY CHAIRS throughout the store, you also get a free gift upon entering the shop) bitchtailluckychairsfront_001


(Midnight Mania Board, I really want those pants!!) bitchtailMMboard_001

(These things, I have no clue what they are called but my Daughter wins every time she plays one of these prize boards!)



I have just advertised this awesomeness within the SLF&O group in-world and the sim is getting full, so come on down the more the merrier, let’s SHOP together!

~RedWrathBytes~ lets go shopping together tonight! ❤

Hey Hey all I have missed you soo much. I do apologize for my lack of blogging here, I have been busy with blogging for a company in SL. If you haven’t checked out that blog yet please do. There in-world shop has Lucky Boards & Group Gifts!! 😀 Here is the link: RW Blogs

On with the goodies!

The shop which is stylishly decorated is MoDanna In-World Store

The group is FREE to join to Join the MoDanna Group click Here.

This Group Gift is Black Skinny Jeans with an X-ray print on them. I ❤ anything with bones and am thrilled to have found this so soon so I can get more Daily Halloween Wears together!

MoDanna GG1_001

Head on down and check this shop out they also have Gachas for those of you who are totally addicted to them!

See you all soon.

~RedWrathBytes~ ❤ ❤ ❤

Hey Hey Ladies I bring you a little shop called Sacred Dreams. They have a group gift currently of a pair of heels that is not for slink feet. :O right? It seems like everywhere I go lately regular shoes are becoming more and more non-existent. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Slink feet and totally wish I had a pair ( i’m secretly debating on Mid or High, I’m not sure which has more shoes out for it. lol) but for now I have regular avatar feet and I still need shoes to make these ugly things look good.


To get to this shop take your hover board to the right—> Sacred Dreams In-World Landmark

To join the group it is FREE! -“yay’s”- To do so click here—> Sacred Dreams Group Joiner

If you wish to follow the stores own Word Press Blog you can do so by clicking here—> Sacred Dreams Word Press

(see below: a photo of the Group Gift & Midnight Mania Board)

sacred dreams gg_001 sacred dreams mmb_001

I hope you all take a second to come slap this board and pick up this great gift.

Till next time,

~RedWrathBytes~ has missed blogging.

Who here needs more Heels in there life? For Regular feet and for Slink? -cups hand around hear listening out for the cries of women- That’s what I thought!  There Store Motto is “Shoes are like Candies… you always want more.” How true!!

To get to the Mainstore of [NINETY] Click your peep toed rocket here —> [NINETY] In-World Landmark

To join the group it is FREE you can click the link here —> -NINETY- Group Joiner to do so ahead of time.

(see below the Group Gifts for Slink & Regular Feet as well as there VERY Cheap Promo section right now)

Ninety1_001Ninety3 gg_001

Ninety2 promo_001

They also have a Group Gift for the Group called SL Free’s & Offers. To join that Group to get the shoes available click the link here —> SL Free’s & Offers Group Joiner . You can see below the shoes available when you join that group.

Ninety4 slfo_001

So ladies run your way over to [NINETY] of course without breaking a heel and grab all these amazing Group Gifts!

Till next time,

~RedWrath is in a blogging mood today~

P.s. Make sure you scroll down the main feed to check out all the newest listings!

Hey Ladies, My Daughter Kat took me to this shop a little while ago; we’re both into Gothic Fashion and such and this place has just that.

To get to this Morbid Palace click your Hearse to the right —>The Little Bat In-World Store Landmark

This shop does have a Group but it costs 30L to join. As I stated earlier I am poor and can not afford to pay to join groups but have no fear you can still scoop up the Freebies and you can still slap the MM Board as well as play the Lucky Boards. YAY!!!

The Little Bat_001

So if you are a Little Batty then pop on down to this adorable Gothic Shop.

Till then my Morbid Monsters,

~RedWrathBytes~ but only tonight. XD