I know, I know I said I moved my blog, which is very true. I moved it to a blog that I take more time on, and really work at it. BUT I am not always made of money to blog for that nicer blog, so I run back to my favorite habits of Freebie hunting.


I discovered 7 deadly sins skins group is going to be free until JUNE. So I joined and am planning on staying in it (hopefully I can find some Catwa appliers soon in this store, or there is no sense in staying in it for me) anywho I digress.

They are also giving out a 400L Giftcard for the shop during this month. So I highly suggest jumping down here to snag that and slap as many of the MM boards as you can.


Location: 7 Deadly S{k}ins Main store Landmark 

FREE group until June 2016: Click HERE to join

holy mother_001holy mother2_001

  1. jezzyjezy says:

    I’m glad to see you still adding to this blog! You are the original freebie huntress 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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