Posts Tagged ‘Freebies’

Hey Everyone,


Thank you for continuing to be loyal followers for all the freebie goodness. I have decided to move to a new blog which will still contain Group Gifts and Freebies but also contain steals and deals on clothing and accessories.


You can find this new Blog HERE


hope to see you there!


~ RED 😀

Ladies Ladies Ladies Rush on down to Bitchtails for there 50L Retirement Sale Ending November 3rd. Don’t forget while you are there to play some Lucky Chairs, Slap that Midnight Mania Board, and Scoop up the freebies available!

To get to Bitchtails click the link HERE. 

The Bitchtails VIP Group Costs to join but I have discovered you do not need the group to play the Lucky Chairs or the Midnight Mania Board. 😀 YAY!!

(Freebies are in the small boxes on the floor, there is also a prize bomb you can pay to play, and for you Gacha Addicts there are some of those too!)


(LUCKY CHAIRS throughout the store, you also get a free gift upon entering the shop) bitchtailluckychairsfront_001


(Midnight Mania Board, I really want those pants!!) bitchtailMMboard_001

(These things, I have no clue what they are called but my Daughter wins every time she plays one of these prize boards!)



I have just advertised this awesomeness within the SLF&O group in-world and the sim is getting full, so come on down the more the merrier, let’s SHOP together!

~RedWrathBytes~ lets go shopping together tonight! ❤

Hey Hey Guys & Gals have I got a great shop for you! It might be tiny but it packs a lil punch. They have men and women Lucky Chairs, MM Boards and Group Gifts and Freebies.

To get to this shop take your bike to the right—> Physco Clothes In-World Landmark

To join the group it is FREE, to do so before you get here click the link here—>Physco Clothes Group Joiner

(see below: a Male Group Gift



(see below: the Midnight Mania Boards for Men & Women)


(see below: Lucky Chairs & Balloons for Men & Women and those clicky games, as well as Candy Land the Board Game)

PCluckychairs and ballons_001


(see below: Some Male & Female Freebies)


So come one down and play some Candy Land while you wait for your initial on the Lucky Chairs! Snag some freebies and group gifts!

Till next time,

~RedWrathBytes~ The Young Lady with the Tail is my Eldest Daughter Kat she is modeling where the clicky games and lucky chairs are… I’m just kidding I totally caught her off guard, she has no clue she’s about to be in this blog posting! XD

Hey Ladies, My Daughter Kat took me to this shop a little while ago; we’re both into Gothic Fashion and such and this place has just that.

To get to this Morbid Palace click your Hearse to the right —>The Little Bat In-World Store Landmark

This shop does have a Group but it costs 30L to join. As I stated earlier I am poor and can not afford to pay to join groups but have no fear you can still scoop up the Freebies and you can still slap the MM Board as well as play the Lucky Boards. YAY!!!

The Little Bat_001

So if you are a Little Batty then pop on down to this adorable Gothic Shop.

Till then my Morbid Monsters,

~RedWrathBytes~ but only tonight. XD

Hello there my ..:::Addicted to Juicy Bytes:::.. Lovers!! I have missed you all. Please leave me some comments below or on photos of my flickr letting me know how you found my blog.

Lets get down to business. XD

Envious is a Kawaii Womens Fashion and Accessories Shop, featuring many different styles of clothing from Goth to Urban and everything in between.

To get to this amazing location take your Taxi to the right —>Envious In-World Store Landmark

Now they unfortunately do charge to join there VIP Group and that charge is 150L. I don’t know about you but I am a broke yet stylish bitch so I can not afford to join that group. However I have joined there Envious Chat Group which is FREE and you can find that group here —>Envious Chat In-World Group Joiner

If you all come a little closer I will tell you a secret…. A few friends of mine discovered that you do not need to be in any group to play the Lucky Chairs and I believe you do not need to be in any group to click the MM Boards.

I hope to see you pretties there sometime. If you ever want to meet up In-World and go Lucky Chair or Board Hunting let me know by leaving a comment below.

(see below a photo of the Lucky Chairs and MM Boards)

Envious pick mm lc freebies_001

Till next time,

~RedWrathBytes~ into Juicy Goodness. 😀